翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/03 13:30:14

violet 59

Thereupon his friends in Rome advised as follows:some urged him to take refuge with the p535army in Macedonia to ensure his personal safety, and when he should learn that the murder was only a private transaction to take courage against his enemies and avenge Caesar; and there were high officers who promised to protect him if he would come. But his mother and his stepfather, Philippus, wrote to him from Rome not to be too confident and not to attempt anything rash, but to bear in mind what Caesar, after conquering every enemy, had suffered at the hands of his closest friends; that it would be safer under present circumstances to choose a private life and hasten to them at Rome, but with caution.


そこで Romeにいる彼の友達が以下のように助言しました。:何人かは彼自身の身の安全のためにMacedoniaに535人の軍隊とともに非難するように急がせました。殺人は敵に対して勇気を見せるための個人的な処置でCaesarのあだ討ちであったことを知るべきです。また、そこにはもしかれが来たら彼を守ると約束した役員たちがいました。

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