翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / 0 Reviews / 2013/02/03 13:06:38

violet 59

As he received all with kindness, an acquaintance and good feeling grew up by means of them between himself and the army. At the end of a six months' sojourn in Apollonia, it was announced to him one evening that Caesar had been killed in the senate-house by those who were dearest to him, and were then his most powerful subordinates. As the rest of the story was untold he was overcome by fear, not knowing whether the deed had been committed by the Senate as a whole or was confined to the immediate actors; nor whether the majority of the Senate had already punished them, or were actually accomplices, or whether the people were pleased with what had been done.


すべてを親切心で受け取ったので、彼とその軍隊の間で友情のようなものと良い心情が芽生えました。Apolloniaでの6ヶ月の滞在の終わりのある夕方、Caesarがsenate-houseでもっとも親しかった人たちで、もっとも力強かった家来に殺されたことが告げられました。残りの話は伝えられていないように、彼はその行動が Senateによって託されたものだったのか、それとも親しい人間によるものだったのかどうかを知ることもなく恐怖を克服したのです。また Senateの多くはすでに彼らを罰したのかそれとも共犯者だったのか、それとも人々はこの事実を喜んだのかどうかも知ることはありませんでした。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。