翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 53 / 0 Reviews / 2011/01/30 14:37:22

haru 53

As Tunisia struggles to move past the rioting,
looting and score-settling that has marked the political
transition, there was a growing sense Tuesday that it will
be difficult for the interim government to hold together
and pave the way toward elections expected within six to
seven months.

After the initial exhilaration of last week,
when a populist uprising ousted President Zine El Abidine
Ben Ali after 23 years in power and sent him fleeing to
Saudi Arabia -- sounding a warning bell for other political
strongmen in the region -- many are fretting about what
it ultimately meant. Collected here are images of the turmoil
in Tunisia over the past couple of weeks.



先週の最初の盛り上がりの後、23年に及んだ権力の後に大統領ザイン・アルアービディーン・ベン アリが追放されサウジアラビアへと逃亡に追い込んだ人民主義者の蜂起は、他の地域の有力者に警告の鐘を鳴らし、多くは最後にそれが意味することにざわめきたった。

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