翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2011/01/19 09:59:12

zhizi 52

1. 手術を受けて1年たつけど、どこかしんどいところはある? 
2. 最近びっこひいているように見えるし、散歩の距離が短くなったけど足が痛いのかな?
3. 咳がたまに出て最近寝る時間がながくなったけど、体がしんどいからなのかな?


M had surgery a year ago. J wants to know how M feels about her own current physical condition.
1. It has been a year after the surgery. Does M have pain anywhere?
2. M looks like she is limping, and she does not walk as long as she used to.
Does she have pain on the legs?
3. M occasionally coughs, and she recently sleeps longer hours than before.
Is it because she feels tired?

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備考: アニマルコミュニケーションの内容です。Mは犬(メス)、Jはクライアント(女性)です。