翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/19 09:55:44

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

and if he convinced Caesar, then both they and the other relations would accede to his decision quite convinced; otherwise there could be no ground for their connection with him. In the meanwhile, until Caesar decided, he should not come to Octavius nor ask for anything that might be expected of a relative. Thus sensibly he answered and everyone there commended him; nevertheless the young fellow followed him all the way home.When he arrived in Rome he lodged near the house of Philippus and his mother, and passed his time with them, seldom leaving them, except at times when he wished to invite some of his young friends to dine with him. While he was in the City, he was declared a patrician by the Senate.


そして若者がCaesarを納得させれば、彼らと彼らの血縁関係が認められる、そうでなければ彼らの血縁関係には何の根拠も無いと言い、この若者が長い距離彼を追いかけてきたのにも係わらず、Caesarが決めるまでは、血縁関係その他の事でOctaviusのところに来ないようにと続けた。 このように分別良く、彼は若者とその若者を推薦する者たちに答えた。ローマに着くと彼はPhilippusとその母親の家に泊まり、自分の若い友達と食事をしたいと願う時以外は彼らと過ごし滅多にそこを離れる事が無かった。ローマ市内に居るとき、彼は議会から貴族に選ばれた。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。