翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2013/01/19 09:38:26

tatsuto 52 英日翻訳を中心に請負っています。 得意分野:一般、科学、法律等 TOE...

The citizens who accompanied him were also earnestly persuaded that he was Marius' son. Octavius was in quite a quandary and began to consider what he should do. It was a difficult thing to greet a stranger as a relative, one whose origin he did not know, and for whom his mother did not vouch; and on the other hand, to repudiate the youth and the crowd of citizens with him would be very difficult particularly for one so modest as he. Accordingly he quietly answered and dismissed the fellow, saying that Caesar was the head of their family and the chief of the state and of the whole Roman government.He should therefore go to him and explain to him the kinship,


彼が連れて来た市民たちも彼がMariusの息子だと熱心に説得した。Octaviusはとても困惑しどうすべきか考え始めた。出所を知らず彼の母も保証出来ない見知らぬ人間を親戚として迎えるのは難しい。しかしその若者と群集を拒む事も控えめな彼としては難しかった。それで彼は、Caesarが家族及び国そしてローマ政府の長であり、若者は Caesarに会いに行き血族関係について説明すべきだと静かに言い皆を解散させた。

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備考: 固有名詞は訳さないでいいです。