翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2010/12/25 02:12:34


On follow-up examination 1 week later, 3.5
months after the onset of symptoms, the pain
had resolved. The tympanic membrane was retracted, with an effusion but without perforation.
A ballottable (mobile when palpated) subcutaneous
mass, thought to be a cyst, emerged
from the posterior superior quadrant of the external
auditory canal and obscured the pars flaccida.
Other findings were unchanged. Computed
tomography (CT) of the temporal bone 1 week
later revealed a hyperdense soft-tissue mass,
3.2 cm by 2.5 cm by 4 cm, against the lateral
aspect of the left mastoid bone and mastoid
process, medial to the auricle.


その他の所見は変化なしであった。高濃度の軟部組織腫瘍が認められた1週間後の側頭骨のコンピューター断層撮影(CT)では、頭蓋側面の左乳突骨と乳様突起と耳介の中間に対して3.2cm × 2.5cm × 4cmであった。

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