翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2012/12/07 11:37:36

sosa31 60

本のカテゴリ名:歴史,歴史・人物,歴史学,労働法,労働問題,労務厚生,老年看護,六法集・法律判例集,論理学,和英辞典,和裁,和食,話し方・朝礼説話,偕成社文庫,篆刻・印章,鍼灸,鍼灸師・按摩マッサージ指圧師 / 商品発送後、受け取り拒否や不在により配送業者の保管期間をすぎて当店に戻った後のキャンセルは商品代、送料、手数料を含めた全額の50%を請求いたします。福袋はMサイズの内容になってます.※お客様すべての方に同じ内容で届くわけではございません


Category of the books: History, History・People, Historical Science, Labor Law, Labor Issues, Labor Welfare, Geriatric Nursing, The Six Major Laws・Collection of Judicial Precedents, Logic, Japanese-English dictionary, Japanese Dress-making, Japanese Food, Speech・Narrative at Morning Assembly, Kaiseisha Paperback Library, Seal-Engravings, Acupuncture・Shiatsu Massager. If the package comes back to us after delivery company's retention period, for recipient's rejection or absence, we will charge a cancellation fee which is 50% of total charge including merchandise, shipping, and handling. The size of the lucky bag is M. Please note that not everybody gets the same contents.

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備考: 本のカテゴリ名: