翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2012/12/04 17:36:19



第2部のパネルディスカッションでは、同協会会長の山本牧子氏をモデレーターに、The J Teamのゲライント・ホルト氏、コングレの野村佳世氏、ヒルトンワールドセールスのヨリス・ヴァンジリヘム氏が登壇。「現場のMICEプロが考える課題とレッスン」をテーマに、それぞれの経験に根ざした提言が行なわれる。


MPI is going to hold a symposium and a networking event.

In the first part, Mr. Makito Takami, the counsellor for MICE of the Japan Tourism Agency, is going to have a speech about "How Japan's MICE can enhance international competitiveness".
In a panel discussion of the second part, Mr. Geraint Holt of the J team, Ms. Kayo Nomura of Congre, Mr. Jolis Vangelim of Hilton World Sales and the chairman of this association Ms. Makiko Yamamoto as a moderator are going to take the rostrum. They are going to make a proposale based on their experiences under the theme of "Problems and lessons that experienced professionals of MICE think".

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