翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2012/12/02 17:54:53


I promise all the products are from nikestore and are factory sealed when they are delivered to you. It has very little chance to get bad one. If they have no problem when you receive them, they should not have problem in future. And I just saw nike's return policy, RETURN POLICY
Merchandise may be returned for a refund for any reason within 30 days from the shipping date. After 30 days, only unworn and unwashed merchandise may be returned for a refund.
Which means if you could not return the bad one to me within short period( the total period is 30 days from nikestore) , I have to take it by myself and could not return to nikestore.


私は、すべての商品がナイキストアからのもので、お届け時には工場の封印がされていることをお約束いたします。不良品をお届けする確率はとても低いです。もしもお受け取りの時点で問題がなければ、将来も問題にならないことでしょう。私はナイキの返品ポリシーを見てみました。  返品ポリシー

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備考: 取引する商品の保証期間(返品期間)についてです。