翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2012/12/01 01:29:55

transcontinents 52 ビジネス文書作成、交渉、輸出入実務の経験があり、ビジネス関連コミュニケーシ...


中村氏のほか、東日本開催では森ビルのヴィーナスフォート運営室館長である石川哲史 氏が「森ビルの考えるインバウンド考察」をテーマに、また西日本開催では近畿運輸局 企画観光部国際観光課の井尻憲司氏が講演を行なう。


In the lecture he looks back at the inbound situation in 2012 and discusses based on a theme "how can we overcome problems and what is the next step we should take for inbound?."

Besides Mr. Nakamura, in Eastern Japan event Mr. Tetsushi Isikawa, director of Venud Fort administration office by MORI Building talks on a theme "MORI Building's observation of inbound", and in Western Japan event, Mr. Kenji Ijiri from International tourism dision, Planning and tourism department from Kinki transport bureau will deliver lecture.
For entries and inquiries for details, please refer to their forum websites.

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