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評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/11/13 16:59:20


Co-working in Thailand? HUBBA shares on supporting startups

The HUBBA Team shares what got them started on creating one of Thailand’s first co-working space and what is needed to support the Thai tech startup community.

e27 has been working closely with Thai co-working space, HUBBA, on organizing events like Founders Drinks and the upcoming Echelon Ignite: Thailand. Taking a closer look at how the team is supporting the local startup community, we sat down with co-founder Amarit Charoenphan (Aim) to find out what it takes to run a private co-working space in a city where there is less support compared to that in Singapore.




e27はタイの協業スペースであるHUBBAと密接に協業しており、Founders Drinksや近日開催するEchelon Igniteといったイベントを取り仕切っている。チームがローカルのスタートアップコミュニティをどのようにサポートしているか近くで見てみると、共同設立者であるAmarit Charoenphan (Aim)と共に座り込み、シンガポールに比べてサポートが少ない都市において、私設の協業スペースを運営するにはどうすればよいか模索していた。

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備考: http://e27.sg/2012/11/07/co-working-in-thailand-hubba-shares-on-supporting-startups/