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評価: 41 / 0 Reviews / 2012/09/03 13:37:58

emguillemier 41 イギリスとフランスに語学留学の経験あり。外資系証券と貿易会社に実務経験あり。

国内では、観光庁が2010年をMICE振興の年として、「JAPAN MICE YEAR」と位置づけて以来、関連業界や自治体が推進に力を入れて取り組んでいる。一方で都市型ホテルでは後述の声がある:“円高で宿泊だけでも確保できれば良いが、宴会場(会議室)料金は90%引きでもむずかしい”


May 14, 9, CBN-JP group and 8 will hold a joint workshop with the theme "Current Status and Issues of MICE business in the City hotel" at Prince Hotel.
As a year of promoting MICE, since positioning and "JAPAN MICE YEAR", in Japan, Japan Tourism Agency is related industries and local governments are working to put the effort into promoting the 2010. In urban hotel On the other hand ,there is the voice of the later: "It may be possible to secure just stay strong yen, banquet fee (conference room) is difficult even 90% discount on"

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