翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 51 / 0 Reviews / 2010/08/09 19:05:55


Emergency services were scrambling to clean up the waterway, near the border with North Korea, but fear it could take days.
"We have collected 40 trucks of the trash, but the remaining trash might fill another 200 trucks," the official Xinhua agency quoted police officer Wang Yong as saying.
More rain is forecast in the coming days.
In nearby Tonghua city, water supplies were restored on Wednesday, four days after flooding ripped apart pipelines, the official Xinhua agency said.
A similar vast garbage mat was threatening to jam the locks of China's huge Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River in southwestern China, state media reported this week.


非常部隊が、北朝鮮との国境周辺で水路を確保しようとして大規模な緊急処置を行っているが、数日を要するとことが心配されている。新華通信社は、「トラック40台分のゴミを回収したが、さらに200台分のゴミが残っている」とのWang Yong警官の言葉を伝えた。

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