翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/07/24 15:46:43

monica696shim 50 学歴: 1983~1987   AOBA INTERNATIONA...

Try not to put in those details already in your resume.Instead, pack your cover letter up with statements that grab attention.Candidates often forget that their application is supposed to meet a need in the company.Your cover letter should focus on their requirements and how your qualifications can meet them.Employers should realize that hiring you is the solution.Lastly, your cover letter and resume are two different playing cards.Even if your cover letter should summarize your resume,......make sure to use it as an added means to express your value to the organization.



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備考: http://ja.englishcentral.com/video/17035/let-your-cover-letter-stand-out この動画を視聴し、意味が合うように一文一文翻訳を入れて下さい。 アルファベットや "!" などの記号は全て半角でお願いします。 コンマ、ピリオドは句読点をお使い下さい。 英文で訳を繋ぐ "..." は、日本語訳でも同様に入力してください。 (翻訳が採用された方の名前がサイトに掲載されます)