翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2010/06/30 17:43:10

zhizi 52

クックパッドの運営するレシピ投稿サイトcookpad.comは、2008年のリニューアルでRuby on Railsを採用しました。以来、日本最大のRailsサイトとして月間989万人のユーザーから生み出される4.6億PVを支え、なおも拡大を続けています。



Cookpad’s recipe-sharing site, called cookpad.com, is a website where people can post their recipe, and Cookpad introduced Ruby on Rails, an open source web application framework, for its site renewal in 2008. Since then, cookpad.com, the largest Rails site in Japan, has been supporting 460 million page view visited with 9.89 million users per month, and it is still expanding.
The site boost the values of users’ everyday life with a speed and scale never been possible, by developing test-drives, introducing Agile technique like Scrum, and making full use of cloud computing and distributed processing methods including Hadoop. Cookpad continues to fullfil its mission, “To provide people with services which offer a enjoyable time for cooking and draw more and more heart-felt smiles.

We are planning to held a session called (●●) on August 29th (Sun), from 12:00 to 13:30, at RubyKaigi2010. Please take part in this meeting, if you are interested in any creation with Ruby or technologies which enrich your lifestyle.

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備考: クックパッド社の会社概要になります。