翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/27 20:26:03

bemaxer 50

Aはまだother publishersには送っていません。
Bはまず日本の雑誌に掲載され、それを見た日本人ライターから依頼があり資料を送ったのでM MAGAZINEに掲載された。その後D WEBSITE から掲載したいとの申し出があったのです。


The thing of "A" has not sent to other publishers yet.
The thing of "B" was printed in the Japanese magazine at first, and because a Japanese writer who had seen it asked for it, I sent it so it was printed in "M MAGAZINE" too. After that, "D WEBSITE" offered us to publish it, and then others followed.
I decided I will hand you material of "A" at first becaus of sending material to you late. I'll be glad if you write a good article.Also, I want you to write about "B" too. If so, I will send you new material at first next time.

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