翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/14 11:48:48

goodtranslation 50 Goodtranslation代表翻訳者 契約書といったビジネス文書から...

The site is currently offered in Bahasa Indonesian language, as the Indonesian startup is looking to focus efforts in Jakarta until end of this year. They are looking to target Indonesia because it is a rising economy, with growing middle-income families. There are currently 50 million households with disposable income of US$3,000 or more.

For end users, when they become a member they pay US$200 and for subsequent years $100, and 50 to 60 percent of that goes to agencies who Cabara works with.

It’s difficult to deal with agencies one by one, and Cabara helps solve this problem. They handle payments manually because they have to still meet face to face.




一つ一つの代行業者と取引することは大変であるが、Cabaraはこの問題を解消するにあたっての手助けとなる。 代行業者がじかに会わなくてはならないこともあって、支払いは手渡しである。

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