翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/06/06 06:54:43

t76tidb684 50 理系の大学院に通う学生です。TOEIC905点、英検凖1級、TOEFLib...

・体休めてね。二日酔い大丈夫だった?僕達もあのBBQの後、家で大騒ぎしすぎて、警察が来たのでしばらく謹慎します。:9 あのアパートに住んでないんだね。あなたが住んでいるところは結構離れているね。車で50分くらいかな?友達の家に届ける方が良ければそうしようか?もしくは僕のオフィスに取りに来てくれるのでもいいよ。


Take care yourself. Were you OK with the hangover? After the BBQ, we kicked up a fuss too much and a police came. So, we'll be suspended for a while.9 you don't live the apartment right? where you live is fairly far, isn't it? about 50minutes by a car? I'll deliver it to your friend's home, if you think it is better. Or, you can come to my office to pick up it.

I have a suggestion. it is latter half of the badge now. How about making opportunity to discuss our business as a team? Discussing with drinking alcohol is OK. Finding fault and suggesting alternatives each other would be nice.
I am not good at Engish, but try hard

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