翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 68 / ネイティブ 英語 / 0 Reviews / 2012/05/22 12:54:20

katrina_z 68 こんにちは!はじめまして、チェコ在住のアメリカ英語のネイティブです。 日...

⑤-「断絶された(文脈が途切れた)場合の未来 」の可視化・その体験と、更なる外部との遭遇を焦点とし、 "一連のディザースターの情報が全くない人物を招き、実際に福島、宮城と被災地へ共に旅をし、風景の記録とともに何が起きたのか想像の物語の執筆を依頼する"というプロセスを辿っている。




⑤- The visualization of "The Future as it's Disconnected (Cut-off from Context)" along with the experience of focusing on encounters even further outside followed a process of "inviting people who had absolutely no information on a series of disasters, traveling to Fukushima, Miyagi, and the disaster areas, and requesting a description of the scenery and an imagined tale of what they think had happened."

It's a critical expression of the disconnection of media and isolation.

(※It was difficult looking for someone who had not seen things like images or pictures, but one was finally found in Cambodia with the help of a backpacker.)

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