翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/05/09 19:07:04

chiakipenguin 50 英語で修士論文書いたことがあります。 オンラインショッピングと旅行が好き...

Sindhu says they will be distributing their cards to retail outlets in Indonesia: Convenience stores, bookstores, and especially toy stores. When kids buy those cards, they would be enticed to download the app, which would in turn drive them to purchase even more cards — a positive feedback loop.

Working with mobile carriers presents a huge opportunity for them as well. Instead of throwing used prepaid cards away, every one of them could become a keepsake if they’re made into collectible trading cards. There’s also massive potential in licensing popular cartoon characters, which will make their products even more appealing to kids.


Sindhu は、インドネシアの小売店で彼らのカードを販売する予定だという。例えば、コンビニや書店、おもちゃ屋などだ。子供たちがカードを買う時、彼らはアプリをダウンロードしたい欲求にかられ、アプリを使えば結局もっとカードが欲しくなる。肯定的なフィードバック・ループだ。


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