翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → フランス語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/04/22 15:14:09

saraicaudillo 50 Hi, I am a translator and also an ...

"Free Now!" Chat ID Matching

Would you like to talk with some one? "Free Now" is available!
Free Now is the matching service of the user ID with LINE, KAKAO TALK and Skype.
It is easy to use! Tap "Free Now" button and post button, you can post "Free Now!" on the Time Line. If you add the message and post, you will see more people!!

In Time Line, you can find latest post.
When you tap the LINE ID, KAKAO ID, Skype ID button, you can copy their IDs. Then you will open LINE, KAKAO TALK, Skype app and search friend with ID and talk!

Free Now! has no relation with LINE, Kakao Talk and Skype.


Esque ce vous voulez parler avec quel-que un? "Free now" c'est disponible!
Free Now c'est le service de jumelage de l'utilisatour ID avec LINE, KAKAO TALK et Skype.
C'esy facil d'utiliser! Tape "Free Now" bouton et poster bouton, vouz pouvez poste "Free Now" sur le Time Line. Si vous ajountez le message et poste , vous regardera plus de gent!!

レビュー ( 0 )

備考: "Free Now!" is service name. Don't translate "Free Now!". LINE, Kakao Talk, Skype are chat service name.