翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 57 / 0 Reviews / 2012/04/17 10:19:45

kaory 57

BingDian wants to help those hotels chains to offer discounts and benefits to loyal customers whilst still allowing them to book via the app – something generally not possible with major online booking sites such as Ctrip (NASDAQ:CTRP) or eLong (NYSE:GA) where people tend to pick accommodation at random depending on changing needs.

When travelers take up membership cards with a partner hotel, those too can be stored within the BingDian app, making them easier to access and make use of next time someone makes a new booking. Current partner chains include cheaper venues such as HanTing business motels right up to global brands such as Shangri-La, Sheraton, Hyatt, etc.


BingDianは提携ホテルチェーンにはアプリを使って予約してくれた上顧客に割引して利益を還元してもらいたいと考えている。このようなことはCtrip (NASDAQ:CTRP)やeLong (NYSE:GA)などのオンライン予約サイト大手ではたいていできないことである。それは顧客のニーズがいろいろと変わり、行きあたりばったりでホテルを選ぶ傾向があるからだ。


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