翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/04/03 12:34:58

sieva 50 芬語、仏語、英語、日本語。 米大学大学院国際政治。 外資系企業正社員とし...





About the new style aircraft carriers which Japan has classified into the convoy

Article 9 of the Constitution of Japan prohibits Japan from holding the offensive type of vessels. However, the government has classified the present two vessels and vessels under construction into the convoy, respectively. Is this legitimate to Japan which has the top-ranking technical capabilities to improve vessels? This is nothing other than the sophistry.

Any traces cannot be found that the government has discussed the concerned matter in the Parliament.
I always wonder what we Japanese want to realize? I would like to appeal to the government to tell the real intention to the people. Such the government may exist for the people who keep the real intention concealed, I would say.

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