翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 60 / 0 Reviews / 2012/04/03 07:50:54


The second was of a boy in China who also had a deep passion for programming and even invented something that Apple could have used. But conversely, his parents told him to stop working on it and instead focus on studying for the Gao Kao. After years of draining preparation, his mind was so consumed it sucked his passion away for programming and he eventually just became an employee of a company. Xu believes that this traditional Chinese mindset of fighting to be accepted, rather than encouraging peoples natural curiosity and passions deters China from reaching its true potential.


次も、プログラミングに情熱を持ち、あのアップル社が興味を持つような物を発明した中国の青年の話です。しかし、こちらは逆に、彼の両親は彼のプログラミングに対する情熱をサポートせず、その代わりに、Gao Kaoの勉強に専念するように言った。長年の苦悩の末、彼は心身ともに疲れ、プログラミングへの情熱は薄れ、結局会社勤めをしている。

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