翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 50 / 0 Reviews / 2012/03/17 18:33:07

euke1974 50 日韓、韓日に対応しております。英日、日英はお休みしております。

Nonetheless, it’s a clear sign that e-commerce companies need quality, full-featured apps as more Chinese people start using smartphones. As for how many downloads Alipay is getting on various platforms, it revealed that Android is by far the most popular. The app’s download proportions can be seen in this graph:

The ‘others’ section contains Windows for mobile (both the old WM6 and the new WP7) with 1.7 percent share of downloads; generic JAVA apps account for 1.1 percent; and Blackberry weighs in with a meagre 0.1 percent (and then this total got rounded up to 3 percent).



「その他」にはWindows for mobile(古いWM6と新しいWP7)のシェアの1.7%、ジェネリックのJAVAアプリのアカウントが1.1%、そしてブラックベリーはわずか0.1%に過ぎない。これらすべてを合計しても3%だ。

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