翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2012/03/10 10:32:26


Football players learn that despite the blocking and tackling, the ball is never where it is supposed to be, and they must adapt to the situation as it exists at the moment. Army Rangers have this saying: "Once the first shot is fired, all the plans are out the window."

Things are constantly changing, and no matter how well we plan, things are going to turn up that we didn't plan on. This doesn't mean we shouldn't plan, but it does mean we have to be flexible and open to change. Look at how you handle changes to the situation your plans are based on. Ask yourself if you need to be more adaptable and if you need to build more contingency plans into your thought process.


フットボールプレーヤーは、ブロックやタックルに係わらず、ボールは絶対にあるべき所にないと言う事を学ぶ。そして、彼らはそれが丁度存在している時に、その状況に適応しなければならない。Army Rangersはこのように述べている:「最初の火ぶたが切られたら、全てのプランは消え失せる。」


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備考: Edward W. Smith “Sixty Seconds to Success”