翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 59 / ネイティブ 日本語 / 0 Reviews / 2021/12/21 19:17:32

ka28310 59 長年、半導体(システムLSI)検証を手掛け、多くの英文ドキュメントに触れて...

It appears that the fountains and waterfall have been turned off as an energy conservation measure; it was suggested that perhaps during the lunch hour when the escalators are being used and people are moving through the building and past the Courts, that the pumps for the fountains and water fall be turned on.

Mr. Noguchi suggested that the sculpture presently in Court I be relocated to the grass area at the entrance to the building.
The sculpture should be raised on a 'truncated" platform faced. with stone.

It was also suggested that the circular stone garden under the entrance stairs be filled in. The large stones in the stone garden could possibly be relocated into Court 2.



彫刻は 「切り取られた」 台の上に置く。石とともに。


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