翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 44 / 0 Reviews / 2021/09/21 22:44:35

dronesh_93 44 Hello.. my name is Dronesh. Though I...

先日ApanacheeのIn AeternumとPrison Of Passionを注文したのですが、届いた物はApanacheeのSpirits Of NatureとPrison Of Passionの2枚でした
ただ、せっかくなのでSpirits Of Natureは買い取りたいと思います

これからあなたが出品している他の商品と一緒にSpirits Of Natureを注文しますので、
残りの商品と合わせて今回届かなかったIn Aeternumを発送していただけないでしょうか


I ordered Apanachee's In Aeternum and Prince Of Passion the other day, and I received two pieces: Apanachee's Spirits Of Nature and The Prince of Passion.
However, I would like to buy Spirits Of Nature because it is a great effort.

I'm going to order Spirits Of Nature with the other products you're listing.
Could you ship in Aeternum that didn't arrive this time with the rest of the items?

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