翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2021/09/21 22:50:01

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

先日ApanacheeのIn AeternumとPrison Of Passionを注文したのですが、届いた物はApanacheeのSpirits Of NatureとPrison Of Passionの2枚でした
ただ、せっかくなのでSpirits Of Natureは買い取りたいと思います

これからあなたが出品している他の商品と一緒にSpirits Of Natureを注文しますので、
残りの商品と合わせて今回届かなかったIn Aeternumを発送していただけないでしょうか


The other day I ordered for both “In Aeternum” and “Prison Of Passion” of Apanachee, but arrived items were “Spirits Of Nature” and “Prison Of Passion” of Apanachee. However, I think I would like to keep buying “Spirits Of Nature” because it is a deal for me.
From now I will “Spirits Of Nature” together with other items as you list, so would you ship “In Aeternum” which didn’t arrive at this time along with other items?

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