翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2020/10/27 09:45:00

kumim 52 帰国子女です。英語圏居住歴7年。現地校でkindergartenから5年生...

実演パートでは保育園 年長組の皆さんの演舞をエイサーメドレーでご覧いただけます


*Simultaneously purchase of the sound source CD is recommended. It is perfect for practicing "Eisa" for presentations, performances and field days at schools and nursery schools, etc.
In the practice part, basic motions will be practiced.
In the performance part, you can see an "Eisa" medley dance performance by 5 to 6 year old nursery school children.
It should be useful for practicing forming lines and motions when performing.
◆Basic motions ◆Dancing at a slow tempo ◆Dancing at a normal tempo ※ Used when moving in lines
*All music arrangement done by Mr./Ms. A
*You can feel the bright hopes for the future and pathos in Mr./Ms. B's singing voice. A CD that you can feel the deep affections of humans in this CD.

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