翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / 1 Review / 2020/07/17 16:00:59

setsuko-atarashi 50  私は、英語教育界で13年仕事をしてきました。特に、右脳を使った教育方法で...

COVID-19のパンデミックにより航空便が大幅に減少し大半の国際小包が配送遅延となり、購入者よりネガティブフィードバックが相次いだことによりOrder Defect Rateが1%を超えました。




By Covid-19 pandemic, flights are greatly small in number, most of international packages are delayed, and by purchasers, negative feedback came, and Order Defect rate got over 1%.

As for the ordered delayed, we handle with issuing a refund after explaining its situation.

Not to increase these feedbacks in this situation, we suspend selling.
Currently we wait for revery of flights, and wait for reopen a selling chance, but recovery will not be seen yet.

レビュー ( 1 )

rieyasu 53 医学・薬学関係の翻訳をメインに活動しておりますが、もちろん、一般・ビジネス...
rieyasuはこの翻訳結果を"★★★★"と評価しました 2020/07/18 17:15:41

By Covid-19 pandemic, flights are greatly small in number, most of international packages are delayed, and by purchasers, negative feedback came, and Order Defect rate got over 1%.

As for the ordered delayed, we handle with issuing a refund after explaining its situation.

Not to increase these feedbacks in this situation, we suspend selling.
Currently we wait for revery of flights, and wait for reopen a selling chance, but recovery will not be seen yet.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, flights have greatly decreased and most of the international packages were delayed Due to this, many negative feedbacks were received, and the Order Defect rate became greater than 1%.

As for the delayed orders, we are providing explanations to the customers and giving a refund to all of these customers to solve the issue.

Recognizing this situation and in order to not increase these negative feedbacks, we have been temporarily pausing the selling since June.
Currently, we are waiting for the recovery of the flights but we are unaware when we would be able to resume our service.

備考: Amazon英国への改善計画書です。