翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 50 / ネイティブ インドネシア語 / 0 Reviews / 2020/06/30 18:23:59

mahessa 50 Hi, I offer translation services for ...



I did international transfer to the specified bank on June 25, but today the money was returned from the bank because transfer was not possible. Two of the three mega banks in Japan can't do the transfer. I tried calling the card company and ask them if it's possible to transfer to the card, but they said direct transfer is not possible. If your company is in contract with VISA then card payment should be possible. Today, I went through the procedures to open a new foreign capital group bank account, but it will take 2 weeks. I somehow found a way so I can do the transfer, but please understand that it will take time.

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備考: ロシア語が母国語のセールスマネージャーへのメールです。分かりやすい英文だと大変助かります。旧ソ連領の小さな国に送金したいのですが、4月からロシア領の送金が大変厳しくなり、送金できず困っている状態です。お手数お掛け致しますが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。