翻訳者レビュー ( 英語 → 日本語 )

評価: 45 / 0 Reviews / 2012/02/29 15:31:20

sieva 45 芬語、仏語、英語、日本語。 米大学大学院国際政治。 外資系企業正社員とし...

Curiosity's scientific mission involves driving around its landing site, perhaps up to 15 or 20 miles,...
...collecting samples of rocks and soils with a big jackhammer drill located on the end of a six foot robotic arm.
Those samples are delivered to the rover and analyzed with some very sophisticated...
...and power hungry, analytical laboratory instruments.
And that's where the "MMRTG" comes in.
The "Multi Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator" is a power source that we've used for years...
...to power a spacecraft that have gone to the outer planets,...
...and even the Apollo missions used it on the moon.
Behind me, you can see a full-scale model of Curiosity, including the generator in the back.


キュリオシティ(好奇心)の科学的ミッションは、着陸場所のまわりを運転すること、おそらく 15 または 20 マイル以内までが含まれ・・・
「マルチミッション放射性同位元素熱電発電機」は私たちが何年も使用してきた電源です ...

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