翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2020/05/03 22:09:15

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...



I have contacted that I would like to reopen the sales with this account. I understand that the suspension has been carried out as the contact and shipping was delayed due to the affection of the damage to the typhoon or the entering the hospital of the shop keeper.
What shall I do for lifting this restriction? I have completed for the shipping and the refund for all the items for buyers requested in the past. I conducted completely nevertheless a partial isn't indicated due to the transition of duration. The customers enjoyed with having a lot of requests as the stabled shoppers' operation in the past. I am sure that a similar problem never happens on establishing new shoppers' operation scheme.

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