翻訳者レビュー ( 日本語 → 英語 )

評価: 52 / 0 Reviews / 2020/04/22 15:22:07

steveforest 52 I worked for the broadcaster as an en...

(13)春の野草を食す...野蒜 (14) 蛍イカのパスタ (15) 葉野菜のサラダ (16)鶏肉のトマト煮 (17) 夕食はダイエットメニューで軽めに。(18) さわらの西京焼き、手羽元のさっぱり煮、厚揚げ、野蒜の酢味噌和え、焼酎のお湯割 (19) スリランカカレーの店 (20) パクチーレモンオイル (21) 自家製鶏ハム (22) ミートソースパスタ(23)南イタリア、ナポリの老舗、F aella のパスタ (24) 保存食で作るお昼ご飯 (25)鯖缶で作る韓国風煮込み


13. Eat wild vegetables in Spring... Wild rocambole
14. Pasta with firefly squid.
15. Salad with green vegetables.
16. Simmered chicken and tomato.
17. Light super considered for your diet.
18. Grilled wahoo fish in miso paste, light simmered chicken wing, deep fried thick tofu and wild rocambole seasoned with sour miso paste, Shochu with hot water.
19. Sri Lankan curry shop
20. Coriander Lemon oil
21. Home made chicken ham
22. Spaghetti Bolognese
23. F aella pasta renowned in Napoli, South Italy.
24. Lunch cooked using storage foods.
25. Korean style simmered pot using canned mackerel.

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