Crowdfunding In Japan hand-drawn short story animation "tear of a crow"
"The tear of a crow" is a short story animation work which uses a multiplane camera.
A multiplane camera refers to the special camera for motion picture photography used by work of cell anime.
For "the tear of a crow", the one-sheet hand-drawn original picture is photoed and made using the camera.
It was started under the theme <draw Japanese crow>, using Japanese paper, liquid ink and natural mineral pigments as materials. By choosing materials scarcely used,he aims to expand the possibility of new picture expressions.
Since PC has become common, a production method by using a multi-plane camera is rarely used at the present day. This technique enables him to express distinctive atmosphere and a warm feel in the images which can not be expressed just by digital processing. Transmitting its value is one of the aims of this project.
CAMPFIRE asked for subscriptions at a cost of ¥ 300,000 for a portion of the production costs. The project was successfully accomplished on December 13, 2012 and closed the subscriptions. The work will be finished in the spring of 2013.