I mentioned the 3D movies in yesterday's e-mail. I should also mention that
I went to CES earlier this month and saw some innovative products. One of my
favorites was a small (approximately six cm square by 10 cm tall) Bluetooth
speaker that you can use in an office. It was very neat-you can sync it to a
smart phone a stream audio or use it for telephone conferences.
Another interesting product was adventure cameras that you can mount on
bicycles, or helmets, or cars, and film your adventures. GoPro is the
leader, but this company makes good quality products and has been in
business for a long time.
There we other products there as well-some game related, others not. But
those were the most interesting to me.
オフィスで使える小さい (およそ6 cm 四方、高さ10 cm )ブルートゥースのスピーカーが私のお気に入りの1つです。良く出来ていてスマートフォンとリンクしてストリーミングラジオを聞いたり、電話会議にとしても使えます。