[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 慎み深さは(他の美徳よりも先に本性に帰すものだから)人が身に着けるのはその年齢に合っていたのだが、彼の行動の中に顕著に現われていた。Caesarが彼を大事...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さん tatsuto さん aeternum さんの 3人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 8件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 2801文字 で、翻訳完了までにかかった時間は 6時間 35分 です。

symeによる依頼 2013/01/19 03:21:00 閲覧 1503回
残り時間: 終了

Modesty , which one might assume was fitting for one of that age (for nature has assigned it an earlier place than other virtues) was apparent in his actions. Therefore Caesar made much of him and not as some think, entirely because of relationship. Some time before he had decided to adopt him, but fearing that elated at the hope of such good fortune, as those usually are who are brought up in wealth, he might become forgetful of virtue and depart form his accustomed mode of life, Caesar concealed his intention but he adopted him as son in his Will and made him residuary legatee of his entire estate, after bequeathing one fourth of his property to friends and townsmen, as was afterwards known.


Octavius asked permission to go home to see his mother, and when it was granted, he set out. When he reached the Janiculan Hill near Rome, a man who claimed to be the son of Marius came with a large crowd of people to meet him. He had taken also some women who were relatives of Caesar, for he was anxious to be enrolled in the family, and they testified to his descent. He did not succeed in persuading Atia at all, nor her sister, to make any false statement concerning their family; for the families of Caesar and Marius were very close, but this young man was really no relative whatever. So he came up to the young Caesar with a great multitude and tried to gain his authority also for being enrolled in the family.

Octaviusは母に会いに家に帰りたいと願い出て、それが認められてから出発した。ローマ近くのJaniculan Hillに着いた時、Marius の息子だと名乗る1人の男が彼に会いに大勢の群衆と共にやって来た。男はCaesarの親戚の女性を何人か連れていた。それは男がCaesarの家族の一員になりたがっており、彼女らに彼の血筋を証明させるためだった。男はAtiaばかりでなく、Atiaの妹も家族に関して嘘の証言をするようにうまく説得できなかった。CaesarとMariusの家系は非常に近かったのだが、この若者は全く何の関係もなかった。そこで彼は若きCaesarのところへ大勢の群衆と共にやって着て、 彼の権威を得て、家族の一員に加えてもらおうとした。

The citizens who accompanied him were also earnestly persuaded that he was Marius' son. Octavius was in quite a quandary and began to consider what he should do. It was a difficult thing to greet a stranger as a relative, one whose origin he did not know, and for whom his mother did not vouch; and on the other hand, to repudiate the youth and the crowd of citizens with him would be very difficult particularly for one so modest as he. Accordingly he quietly answered and dismissed the fellow, saying that Caesar was the head of their family and the chief of the state and of the whole Roman government.He should therefore go to him and explain to him the kinship,

彼が連れて来た市民たちも彼がMariusの息子だと熱心に説得した。Octaviusはとても困惑しどうすべきか考え始めた。出所を知らず彼の母も保証出来ない見知らぬ人間を親戚として迎えるのは難しい。しかしその若者と群集を拒む事も控えめな彼としては難しかった。それで彼は、Caesarが家族及び国そしてローマ政府の長であり、若者は Caesarに会いに行き血族関係について説明すべきだと静かに言い皆を解散させた。

and if he convinced Caesar, then both they and the other relations would accede to his decision quite convinced; otherwise there could be no ground for their connection with him. In the meanwhile, until Caesar decided, he should not come to Octavius nor ask for anything that might be expected of a relative. Thus sensibly he answered and everyone there commended him; nevertheless the young fellow followed him all the way home.When he arrived in Rome he lodged near the house of Philippus and his mother, and passed his time with them, seldom leaving them, except at times when he wished to invite some of his young friends to dine with him. While he was in the City, he was declared a patrician by the Senate.

そして若者がCaesarを納得させれば、彼らと彼らの血縁関係が認められる、そうでなければ彼らの血縁関係には何の根拠も無いと言い、この若者が長い距離彼を追いかけてきたのにも係わらず、Caesarが決めるまでは、血縁関係その他の事でOctaviusのところに来ないようにと続けた。 このように分別良く、彼は若者とその若者を推薦する者たちに答えた。ローマに着くと彼はPhilippusとその母親の家に泊まり、自分の若い友達と食事をしたいと願う時以外は彼らと過ごし滅多にそこを離れる事が無かった。ローマ市内に居るとき、彼は議会から貴族に選ばれた。





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