[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 彼の母親が反対しているのを知ると彼は口論を手段とはしなかったが家の中に閉じこもった。彼の暮らしが変わったことによって虚弱な体が病気になり永久に健康を損なう...

この英語から日本語への翻訳依頼は 3_yumie7 さん 12ninki_chan さんの 2人の翻訳者によって翻訳され、合計 6件の翻訳が投稿されました。 依頼の原文の文字数は 1976文字

symeによる依頼 2013/01/12 23:35:01 閲覧 1177回
残り時間: 終了

When he found that his mother was opposed he said nothing by way of argument but remained at home. It was plain that Caesar, out of solicitude for them, did not wish him to take the field yet, lest he might bring on illness to a weak body through changing his mode of life and thus permanently injure his health. For this cause he took no part in the expedition. After finishing that war also, Caesar returned to Rome, having granted pardon to a very few of the captives who fell to him because they had not learned wisdom in the earlier wars. Then the following incident occurred: there was a particular associate and friend of Octavius, who had been educated at the same place and who was a very special friend of his.

彼の母親が反対しているのを知ると彼は口論を手段とはしなかったが家の中に閉じこもった。彼の暮らしが変わったことによって虚弱な体が病気になり永久に健康を損なうことになってはいけないのでCaesarがこの親子に対する配慮からまだ彼を戦場に連れ出したくないのは明らかだった。そのような訳で彼は遠征には参加しなかった。戦争が終わった後Caesar はローマに戻ってくると、初期の戦で知恵を学ばなかったために捕えられた僅かな捕虜に御社を与えた。すると次のような事件が起きた。Octaviusと共に勉強しOctaviusと特別の友情を結んでいた親友がいた。

His brother was with Cato and treated with much respect; he had participated in the Libyan War, but was at this time taken captive. Although Octavius had never yet asked anything of Caesar he wanted to beg the prisoner off, but he hesitated because of modesty and at the same time because he saw how Caesar was disposed toward those who had been captured in that war. However, he made bold to ask it, and had his request granted. Thereupon he was very glad at having rescued a brother for his friend and he was praised by others for employing his zeal and right of intercession first of all for a friend's safety.After this Caesar celebrated his triumphs for the Libyan War and the others which he had fought;

彼の兄はCatoと共におり、深い尊敬を集めていた。彼はリビア戦争に参加したが、その時捕虜となった。OctaviusはCaesar に捕虜を解放してほしいと懇願してはいなかったが、彼はそのつつしみ深さから懇願するのをためらっていた。同時に戦争でホロになった者に対してCaesar がどれほど好意的であったかを知ったからでもあった。しかし彼は大胆にもそれを願い出て、その願いが聞き入れられた。その結果、彼は友達の兄が救われたことを非常に喜び、友人の安全のために自らの熱意と仲裁の権利を初めて使ったことを他から高く評価された。こんなことがあって後、このCaesarはリビア戦争や他の戦争の勝利を祝った。

and he ordered the young Caesar, whom he had now adopted, and who was in a way a son even by nature, on account of the closeness of their relationship, to follow his chariot, having bestowed upon him military decorations, as if he had been his aide (syskenon) the war. Likewise, at the sacrifices and when entering the temples he stationed him at his side and he ordered the others to yield precedence to him. Caesar already bore the rank of Imperator, which was the highest according to the Roman usage, and he was highly esteemed in the state.






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