[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] BaiduとAutoNaviがO2Oで対決? ここ数年、オンライン地図サービス競争が過熱している。地図自体が新しいモバイルゲートウェイとなったからだ...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/12/20 17:06:36 閲覧 1551回
残り時間: 終了

The Upcoming O2O War Between Baidu and AutoNavi?

The past years have been seeing the increasing competition in online map service field as Maps turned itself into the new mobile gateway. Baidu and Autonavi, a search giant and a map service veteran, “accidentally” have the same plan of building up LBS life service platforms which could lead to a vicious fight between the two. Local portal site Tencent detailed what the warfare would be like.



Battle Time

Shen Li, general manager of Baidu BU revealed in October when the company established its LBS Business that revenue is not necessarily the biggest concern for this unit right now. The company believed that exploring a suitable solution for O2O and setting up the service system is more important.


Baidu BUのゼネラルマネージャーShen Li氏は10月に同社がLBS Businessを設立した際、このユニットについては現在収益化はさほど気にしていないと語っていた。同社はO2Oに最適なソリューションの模索とサービスシステムの構築がより重要だと考えている。

On the other hand, Autonavi has been gearing up for a transformation from mapping data provider to a LBS life portal from late year on. VP Qie Jianjun of the company pointed that the current emphasis of the company is still to better serve the merchants, bring them customers and to satisfy them across the board. Apart from these tasks, the company will step on to commercialize the well-established mapping service.

一方、Autonaviは近年、地図データプロバイダからLBSライフポータルへの脱皮を図ってきた。副社長Qie Jianjunによると、同社は今までどおり販売業者へのよりよいサービスと顧客獲得の手助け、全般的な満足度への貢献に重点を置いているという。これらの任務とは別に、同社は整備の行き届いた地図サービスの商業化に着手する。

Same Direction

Great minds think alike. The two players have identical strategies in their O2O approaches, namely the consuming guide. Though they operated towards the same direction from different ways.

According to latest data from Chinese Internet think tank eguan, by Q3 2012 Autonavi ranked first (25.9%) in terms of mobile map market share, while Baidu Map followed with 19.1%. The market share of Baidu Map has increased by 2% in the past two quarters.



中国のインターネットシンクタンクeguanの最新データによると、2012年第三四半期までにAutonaviはモバイル地図市場シェア1位(25.9%)、Baidu Mapは次いで19.1%であった。Baidu Mapのシェアはこの半年で2%増加した。

With ten years’ experience in the market, AutoNavi boasts abundant location data that would take Baidu years to accumulate. In the past decade, Autonavi has been providing mapping API to many 3rd party developers and 120,000 websites including Alibaba, Tencent and Qihoo360. December 11th, it also announced strategic cooperation with Sina Weibo on products, data and cloud platform. “LBS will be the core of a new way of social services. We want to be the first lead in this,” said the VP. It is also revealed by Qie that the company has been trying to work with more O2O-focused companies and integrate their data.

市場で10年の経験を持つAutoNaviは、Baiduが蓄積に数年かかるであろう程の豊富なロケーションデータを持っている。過去10年、AutonaviはマッピングAPIを多くの第三者開発業者とAlibaba、TencentやQihoo360など12万件のウェブサイトに提供してきた。12月11日に同社はSina Weiboと商品、データとクラウドプラットフォームにおいて戦略的提携をすると発表した。「LBSは新しいソーシャルサービスの核となるでしょう。私達はその先駆者となりたいのです。」と副社長は語った。Qie氏は、同社はより多くのO2O関係企業とデータ統合に取り組んでいると明らかにした。

While in Baidu’s case, Baidu Map also takes an open policy by providing data of maps, transportation, and street views to 3rd party developers. Currently Baidu’s O2O business covers more than restaurants, cinemas and KTV, it has also stepped into group-buying, coupons and takeout service. Baidu claimed to hit 77m users, 40 data-collaborating merchants, and have set up 4000 marketing platforms for local merchants.

Baiduの例をとると、Baidu Mapは、マップデータ、交通情報、そしてストリートビューをサードパーティー・ディベロッパーに開示することでオープンポリシーの姿勢を保っている。現在BaiduのO2Oビジネスは、レストラン、映画館、そしてカラオケ事業だけにとどまらず、共同購入、クーポン、そしてテークアウトサービス事業にも参入している。Baiduは、7700万人のユーザーと40もの共同販売店を獲得したとしており、また現地販売店向けのマーケティング・プラットフォームを4000ほど立ち上げた、と述べている。

Further Step To Offline

A balanced O2O business should attach equal importance to both online and offline businesses, however, both Baidu and AutoNavi are not quite sure on this. They’re hesitating on this. Autonavi pins the hope on its partners to provide offline resources. Baidu, oddly enough, doesn’t really give many credits to the offline end of O2O as Shen once said that Baidu was considering how to power up its O2O business without big offline team. According to her, Baidu already has offline teams serving local merchant that could be directly leveraged on, but she doesn’t think that’s the necessary path to a successful O2O business.




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