Discover the Wonders of Metro Manila with Looloo App
Earlier this year, we wrote about Philippines-based startup TrafficDito, which provides updates on traffic in Manila. Nine months later, the same team has a new project: Looloo app. It allows people to discover the best dining, entertainment, and travel destinations within Metro Manila.
Looloo AppでMetro Manilaのすばらしさを発見
今年、フィリピンのスタートアップの、マニラでの交通状況を伝えるTrafficDitoについてお知らせした。9ヶ月が経ち、同じチームがLooloo Appという新しいプロジェクトを始めた。Metro Manila圏内での食事、エンターテイメント、観光先を発見出来るものだ。
The Looloo app for iPhone has three core features: Explore, review, and recommend to friends. With the explore feature, there are eight different filters such as the ‘nearby’ filter, where you can find out the places around you. There are ‘trending’ and ‘latest’ filters, where you can find popular and recently reviewed places. In this way, the app aims to be a local pocket guide for people in the area.
Looloo app prides itself as the only friends-powered place discovery app that is focused on Metro Manila at the moment. In fact, the development of the app was fuelled by Odell, the founder, and his enjoyment of discovering new places, particularly new eateries. When he first moved from the United States to Manila, he had trouble searching for new places given the lack of websites and mobile apps with information about the city. He then realized that there were also people out there who shared similar frustrations, and so the app was created.
Loolooアプリは、友達の情報だけによってスポットを探す、という事が自慢だ。今のところはMetro Manilaに的を絞っている。事実、開発の源となっているのは創始者Odell氏と、彼の、主に新しいレストランを発見する喜びだ。彼がアメリカから初めてマニラに来た時、ウェブサイトと携帯用アプリから得られる街の情報が少なく、新しいスポットを探すのに手間取った。そして、マニラに居る人たちも皆同じことでいらだっている事に気づいたことが、アプリの開発につながったのだ。
The team has been working on Looloo since the start of the year, and is also looking to grow beyond Metro Manila to other areas in the Philippines.
For those based in the metropolis who are keen to give it a try, the app is currently available in the App Store.
都心部を拠点としていてこれを試してみたい人は、現在App Storeにて入手可能だ。