[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 私の疑問は、大手通信会社はこれらの約束を守れるのか、省庁はベトナムを安全に世界の舞台に導くことができるのか?ベトナムインターネット協会会長のVu Hoan...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/12/10 21:12:04 閲覧 2880回
残り時間: 終了

A Vision of Vietnam’s Internet Future?

In dusty, cramped rooms across Vietnam, kids and adults log on to the web in internet shops. It’s a common sight on every other street in Vietnam, from major urban areas to the farthest-flung rural regions. Family businesses clear out their first floor lobbies, mount fans on walls, and install rows upon rows of desktop PCs to rent out web-time at an hourly rate. It’s a stable business because kids and teenagers want video games, adults want info and email, and everybody watches YouTube and downloads free music.



With Vietnam’s internet penetration at 34.3 percent, roughly four percent over the world internet penetration average, and is one of the largest populations in Southeast Asia on the internet. Vietnam’s netizens are ranked 18th in the world with over 31 million people online.

2012 marks the 15th anniversary of Vietnam’s official connection to the internet. Gone are the days when people had to sneak in dial-up modems through customs to access the internet just to email their friends abroad. In the last 10 years, Vietnam’s internet population has increased 15-fold but government ministers and leaders of Vietnam’s still-growing internet landscape remain thirsty for more.



In a ceremony in the capital of Hanoi, celebrating the 15 years of internet development, professors, ministers, executives, and leaders gathered together to share their thoughts, hopes, and promises on where the internet in Vietnam is headed next. Dr. Mai Liem Truc, former deputy minister of post and transport laments that “there are still 60 million people who are not using the internet.” He cites that one of the reasons Vietnam has experienced so much growth compared to its regional neighbors is because of the price of web access, which is on a par – or a bit lower – in price with neighboring countries. Most people pay under 300,000 VND ($15) per month for broadband internet via state-owned telecoms.

インターネットの開通15周年を祝う式典が首都のハノイで開催され、学者や政治家、経営者や業界の第一人者達が集まって、ベトナムのインターネットの方向性についての意見や将来への希望、そして今後の見通しに関する情報交換が行われた。郵政通信省や交通省の副大臣を歴任したDr. Mai Liem Trucは、「インターネットを利用してない人が、まだ6000万人もいます。」と残念がっていた。周辺地域に比べインターネットがここまで発展した理由として、彼は、べトナムのネット利用料が近隣諸国に比べ同額もしくは若干安い事を挙げている。国有の通信会社のブロードバンドを利用してネットをすれば、殆どの人は月に300,000ドン($15)以下で済む。

Dr. Truc sees two frontiers that Vietnam needs to face for successful internet implementation:

1. Encouraging businesses to reach farther out into the rural provinces
2. Integrating IT more completely into education.

Although the internet has been growing in e-government, business, social networks, etc., schools and teachers have still not learned the best way to utilize technology in the classroom. He sees the ministries as playing a significant role in encouraging these developments as well as preparing Vietnamese IT companies to compete on a global stage.

Dr. Drucは、ベトナムがインターネットをうまく導入していく上で直面すべき2つの領域を以下のようにとらえている:



From the state company side, Nguyen Manh Hung, vice general director of Viettel Group, one of Vietnam’s leading telecoms, stated that Viettel wants to see every person in Vietnam with a smartphone, and every family with a 10Gbps broadband internet connection. Viettel has already been quite aggressive with uptake in schools, providing over 30,000 schools with internet connectivity. By 2015 their goal is to have fiber optic lines in every village in the country and by 2020 to equip 70 percent of all households with broadband internet. Other major telecoms companies, including VNPT, SCTV, and FPT, also share this aggressive sentiment and are implementing strategies of their own in their sectors.

ベトナム有数の通信会社のViettel Groupの副部門長を務めるNguyen Manh Hungは、国営企業側の考えとして、どのベトナム人にもスマートフォンを保有してもらい、どの家庭にもインターネット接続用に10Gbpsのブロードバンドを利用して欲しいと語った。Viettelは積極的に教育分野にも入り込み、既に30,000校に対してインターネットへの接続サービスを提供している。同社は2015年までには、国内全ての町に光ファイバーを引き、2020年までに70%の家庭にブロードバンド設備を導入する目標を掲げている。VNPT、 SCTVやFPTを含む他の通信大手も独自の戦略を練って、同じ様にそれぞれの地域に対し積極的に普及活動を進めたいと考えている。

My question is, will the major telecoms be able to deliver on these promises, and will the ministries safely guide Vietnam onto the global stage? Vu Hoang Lien, president of the Internet Association of Vietnam, warns that, “Only when the internet has been fully implemented in the countryside in large numbers can we truly be proud of internet growth in Vietnam”. He’s daunted by the task, adding, “There’s a lot of work going ahead to reach the countryside,” but most leaders are optimistic.

私の質問は、大手通信会社がこれらの期待を実現することができるかどうか、そして、省庁は安全にベトナムを世界の舞台に導くのだろうか、ということである。ベトナムのインターネット協会の会長であるVu Hoang Lien氏は、「地方に大規模にインターネットが完全導入されて初めて私達はベトナムのインターネットの発展を誇ることができる」と警告している。彼はその困難な仕事を憂い、「地方に広げるためには数多くの仕事が待ち受けている」と付け加えたが、多くの指導者らは楽観的である。

Most of the internet growth in Vietnam can be attributed to the major cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city, as well as the budding level-one cities like Da Nang, Can Tho, Nha Trang, and Hai Phong, whose internet penetration is well over 50 percent. The countryside is a considerably different problem and the population out there is the majority of the 60 million offline citizens that Dr. Truc is worried about.



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