[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] 最後に、コワーキングスペースはテックスタートアップが自ら世界のスタートアップコミュニティーに出ることで、サービスを早く地域的に拡大するよう支援することがで...

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startupdatingによる依頼 2012/11/13 14:13:36 閲覧 1757回
残り時間: 終了

Co-working is a combination of a highly functional, comfortable and convenient space with all the tools and hardware necessary to provides the work life balance that startups and freelancers crave from working long hours, a dedicated team of community manager and facilitators who curates and nurtures a strong collaborative community of startup entrepreneurs from various but complimentary background such as hustlers, hackers and designers and Events such as Startup Weekend Bangkok, workshop and conferences such as Echelon Ignite: Thailand that will help startups get notice, get funded, and get connected.

コワーキングスペースは、実用性、快適さ、利便性に加え、必要なすべてのツールやハードウェアのあるスペースで、スタートアップやフリーランサーが長時間働くことから必要とする仕事と日常生活のよいバランスを提供しなければなりません。コミュニティーマネージャーや促進者という献身的なチームは、様々ではありますが補完的なバックグラウンドを持つ、例えば、実業家、ハッカー、デザイナー、そして、Startup Weekend Bangkokなどのイベントや、ワークショップ、Echelon Ignite : Thailandのようなイベントで、スタートアップ起業家からなるしっかりとした集団コミュニティーを集め育成していきます。そうすることで、スタートアップが発掘され、出資を受け、世の中と繋がることになるのです。

This is the mantra to which our HUBBA Team subscribes to everyday which is: “How we can deliver more value to support the success of startups within our community?”

Our support needed is that we want to democratize the coworking movement so that more people can experience the liberating feeling of the movement. A great research by Deskmag.com has indicated that the more coworking spaces that exists in a city, the better since more people will have the potential to experience co-working and subscribe to the lifestyle. There is a Thai saying that clapping with one hand isn’t as loud as two, which we believe is true.



Therefore, if there is anyone who wants to start a co-working space and really has the startup community at heart, we want to support them will all our experience, networks and know how as much as possible so that they will succeed faster and not have to make the same mistakes the we have made.


Do you think co-working spaces will continue to grow in Thailand and what benefits can the techs startup community in Thailand get from them?

Co-working spaces will not only continue to grow, but accelerate the pace world wide not only in Thailand but across the world. Co-working spaces benefit the tech startup community in many ways. Firstly, great co-working spaces makes it so easy for startups to get started; at HUBBA, once you’re signed up in five minutes,HUBBA becomes your office. A good coworking space needs to take care of the space so well that the entrepreneurs just need to concentrate on making a kick ass product.



Secondly, coworking spaces are a fertile ground for ‘Accelerated Serendipity’, or chance meetings that can positively impact you or your startup forever. Accelerated serendipity can come in many forms; meeting your ideal co-founder and starting something together, getting help from a person who has an experience or expertise on a problem that you are having, learning something from a working or event that completely changes your idea or startup’s direction, finding angel investors and VCs who believe in your team and product.


These moments can only be facilitated by a dedicated team of Community managers such as the one at HUBBA, where we know everything about everyone so that we can always make the right introductions and referrals. Unfortunately, this will never occur if you work out at home or in a coffeeshop.

Thirdly, coworking spaces are full of crazy, self-motivated people hell bent on changing the world, disrupting businesses as usual or creating killer apps for people. When any startup joins a space, catching the co-motivation or co-ambition bug is inevitable, since entrepreneurs by nature are competitive people.



Lastly, co-working spaces can help tech startups go regional fast just by exposing themselves to the global startup community. At HUBBA, 50 percent of our members are expatriates from places such as Silicon Valley, Boulder, New York, Singapore, Japan and Korea. Not only do these startups get the chance to practice speaking English daily at co-0working spaces (which is unsurprisingly a crucial skill to be able to go regional yet one sorely lacking among Thai entrepreneurs), startups will get to learn and experience first hand of the startup ecosystem in other countries and what it takes to take their business regionally.


Once more and more people learn of the possibilities of startup beyond Thailand, then startups will have the confident to scaling and community builders like HUBBA will be able to develop coworking spaces and programs to better help startups and grow the ecosystem. After that, there is no stopping in what the Thai startup ecosystem can become.

HUBBA is the strategic partner for Echelon Ignite: Thailand 2012. Join us to hear from top entrepreneurs, investors and community leaders who will share insights on starting up in Thailand. For more information on speakers and agenda, visit the official Echelon Ignite: Thailand 2012 website.


HUBBAは「Echelon Ignite : Thailand 2012」の戦略的パートナーだ。このイベントに参加して、一流の起業家、投資家、コミュニティーリーダーから タイでの事業に関する話を聞いてみよう。講演者やトピックについての詳細は、「Echelon Ignite : Thailand 2012」の公式ウェブサイトで。


2015/01/21 数字表記についてアップデート済
THE BRIDGE(旧StartupDating)からの記事の依頼です。Tech in Asia、TechNode、e27などの記事の翻訳を依頼します。

*$:米ドル(例:US$250 million→2億5000万米ドル、15,000→1万5000 etc)

・angel investor:エンジェル投資家
・serial entrepreneur:シリアルアントレプレナー
・disruptive:震撼させるような、揺るがすような、革命を起こすほどのetc -> スタートアップシーンでは度々使われる単語です。単語で訳すのではなく、都度コンテクストと合わせて文章として意味が通じるように訳してください。




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