Improves your posture, eliminates your back pain
Changes the way you feel after sitting for extended periods of time
Relieves pressure and strain
Self adapts to the way you sit
Positions your back for proper posture
BackJoy is definitely not just a simple cushion. There is a great deal of science and engineering that has gone into its revolutionary design. It was built to be simple to use - but that's where the simplicity stops. It is a technological breakthrough that will improve your posture, eliminate your back pain, and change the way you feel after sitting for extended periods of time.
BackJoy は単なるクッションではありません。科学とエンジニアリングの粋を集めて、画期的な新設計にたどり着きました。簡単に使えるように作った結果、限りなくシンプルな形になりました。これは、姿勢を良くして背中の痛みを解消し、長時間座ったあとの感じを変える、全く新しいテクノロジーです。