先日に購入したマイセンIndian Porcelan C&S ですが、カップの裏の縁に近い部分にうっすらと数字でも押されているようなくぼんだような個所があるのですが、これは、スクラッチ(2級品)でしょうか? 、だから返品したいということはなく、念のための確認です。
About the Indian Porcelain C&S Meissen porcelain that I bought yesterday, but near the cup's inside edge there is a point which looks like a depression, as if it has been pressed lightly by a digit. Is this a scratch (second-class goods)? It's not that I want to return the item; this is just for confirming my feeling. I also asked a few days ago, but this Meissen porcelain was thought to be comparatively new, so if you know whether this is something recent or something from decades ago, please tell me.