[英語から日本語への翻訳依頼] たとえば次のヘッダーは2038年1月19日にcalvin@comics.netへメッセージを送るための252ハッシュ計算を表している: POWシステ...

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xargsによる依頼 2012/09/29 23:43:33 閲覧 2751回
残り時間: 終了

A proof-of-work (POW) system (or protocol, or function) is an economic measure to deter denial of service attacks and other service abuses such as spam on a network by requiring some work from the service requester, usually meaning processing time by a computer. A key feature of these schemes is their asymmetry: the work must be moderately hard (but feasible) on the requester side but easy to check for the service provider. This idea is also named Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP). It is distinct from a CAPTCHA, which is intended for a human to solve quickly, rather than a computer.

One popular system is Hashcash, which uses partial hash inversions to prove that work was done, as a good-will token to send an e-mail.

Proof-of-work(POW)システム(またはプロトコル、またはファンクション)は、DOS攻撃やリクエスト者からの複数要求によるネットワーク上へのスパム行為(通常コンピュータのプロセスタイムを意味する)などの他のサービス悪用を阻止するための実用的な手段である。これらのスキームの重要な機能は、非対照性にある。つまり、動作は要求者側にとっては程よくハード(しかし利用可能である)であるが、サービス提供者によるチェックが容易であることだ。この考えはまた、 Client Puzzle Protocol (CPP)と呼ばれている。これは、素早い解決にはコンピュータよりもむしろ人間の方が向いているという、CAPTCHAとは区別されている。


For instance the following header represents about 252 hash computations to send a message to calvin@comics.net on January 19, 2038:

Whether POW systems can actually solve a particular denial-of-service issue such as the spam problem is subject to debate;[1][2] the system must make sending spam emails obtrusively unproductive for the spammer, but should also not prevent legitimate users from sending their messages. Proof-of-work systems are being used as a primitive by other more complex cryptographic systems such as Bitcoin.
Proof-of-work variants

There are two classes of proof-of-work protocolsChallenge-response protocols assume a direct interactive link between the requester and the provider.




The provider chooses a challenge, say an item in a set with a property, the requester finds the relevant response in the set, which is sent back and checked by the provider. As the challenge is chosen on the spot by the provider, its difficulty can be adapted to its current load. The work on the requester side is bounded, and its variance is low.
Solution-verification protocols do not assume such a link: as a result the problem must be self-imposed before a solution is sought by the requester, and the provider must check both the problem choice and the found solution. Most such schemes are unbounded probabilistic iterative procedures with high variance such as Hashcash.


Moreover, the underlying functions used by these schemes may be:
CPU-bound where the computation runs at the speed of the processor, which greatly varies in time, as well as from high-end server to low-end portable devices.[3]
Memory-bound where the computation speed is bound by main memory accesses (either latency or bandwidth), the performance of which is expected to be less sensitive to hardware evolution.
Network-bound if the client must performs few computations but must collect some tokens from various remote servers before querying the final service provider. In this sense the work is not actually performed by the requester, but it incurs delays anyway because of the latency to get the required tokens.


Finally, some POW systems offer shortcut computations that allow participants who know a secret, typically a private key, to generate cheap POWs. The rationale is that mailing-list holders may generate stamps for every recipient without incurring a high cost. Whether such a feature is desirable depends on the usage scenario.
Computer scientist Hal Finney built on the proof-of-work idea, yielding a system that exploited reusable proof of work ("RPOW").[17] The idea of making proofs-of-work reusable for some practical purpose had already been established in 1999.
Bitcoin is a proof-of-work crypto currency developed on top of a decentralized P2P network




  • Word、Excel、PowerPointなど様々なファイル形式に対応
  • 文字数の上限がなく、素早い納品
  • よりスキルの高い翻訳者が担当
