私は"Factory Second"の刻印が好きではないので、このコーナーからコンディションNEWを沢山買っています。
今回"Factory Second"のコーナーのブーツで気に入ったものがあるのですが、"Factory Second"の刻印を入れないでもらうことはできますか?
Thanks for all your help so far.
I'm not too keen on the mark 'Factory Second', so I buy many things marked as 'new condition' from this part of the store.
However, this time I've taken a liking to some boots in the 'Factory Second' section. Is it possible to get them without the 'Factory Second' mark on them?
From time to time I buy second hand products, and I see many that don't have these kinds of marks on them, so I thought it would be worth asking.
Looking forward to your reply.