Alipay: Payment on Mobile is 60 Seconds Faster Than on PC
At day two of the China Internet Conference, Xu Ji, product engineer director at Alipay, revealed an interesting stat that mobile payment on Alipay is one minute faster than on PCs. For folks who are new to Alipay, it is a popular payment wallet/gateway which allows users to store credits and pay via credit card and escrow services.
While the mobile screen is a limitation, Xu says that building for mobile forces engineers to remove unnecessary items on the screen to ensure users can check out as soon as possible.
China Internet Conferenceの2日目、AlipayのプロダクトエンジニアディレクターのXu Ji氏は、Alipayでのモバイル決済はPCでの決済よりも1分速い、という興味深い統計を公表した。Alipayについて知らない方に説明すると、Alipayは、ユーザーがクレジットを保有し、クレジットカードで決済ができる人気の決済ウォレットかつ決済ゲートウェイで、ありエスクローサービスである。
In 2011, the male to female ratio using Alipay mobile payment was 56 to 44. He explains that the initial user wave was techies but in 2012, the male to female ratio reversed to 46 to 54. There are now more females using Alipay, and Xu believes that e-commerce has gone mainstream and is slowly becoming a norm.
Xu also released figures stating that many mothers use Alipay at around 3am. Xu explains that they usually checkout baby-related items such as milk powder and diapers. So a reasonable explanation is that they stayed away to take care of crying babies. And shopping via mobile phone is a common activity for them to pass time while taking care of babies.