日が沈み、夜になってからはJulie Wataiさんをはじめとする人気DJたちによるパフォーマンスが開催された。日中とはまた違った様子となり、訪れた人を楽しませていた。
When the sun went down and the night time arrived, there were performances from Julie Watai and other top DJs. There was a different atmosphere to the day time and everyone there had a great time.
The venue was packed with people when the presentation was made.
On the other stage, workshops were held by the likes of AWS, Google and Klab and just like at the main stage, the place was buzzing with passionate visitors.
The place was also enlivened by artists` performances, with artists creating art live to put up for the creative charity auction held on the second day and gate`s live painting of a big wall.
Beside the stage, the booths of our kind sponsors were also lively.
The above were just some of the sessions at the Myojowaraku festival that took place in Fukuoka on the 8th and 9th of September. We will report more details of the event here, so please check it out.